5 Years of BODY HAiR SHOP - 50% discount

It was exactly 5 years ago, on 7th of December 2006, when [vdbv.designs] opened the first store, the BODY HAiR SHOP, in a very small booth at Keswick Mall. Very soon its success was phenomenal and during those years we have opened more than 100 outpost stores in various locations around Second Life, sold thousands of products to thousands satisfied and loyal customers.

To show you our appreciation for being with us during that extraordinary adventure and to celebrate our 5th anniversary in Second Life, we are offering a 50% discount for all of our products available at the BODY HAiR SHOP at Vancouver Island Mall, between December 7th and December 11th 2011. We have chosen our store at the Vancouver Island Mall to offer this exclusive 50% discount because it was one of our first outpost stores, opened back in the early 2007.

And while you are there you can also grab our special designs of of free chest and free leg hair. Use the link below to teleport directly on the store.

BODY HAiR SHOP, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island (170, 114, 28)

Thank you for the amazing 5 years,

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Nereus}

[vdbv] - Hair Set {Nereus}

Custom designs and modifiable items

Very often we are receiving requests for custom designs. Our policy on custom work is stated here and it hasn't been changed.

Also quite frequently we are getting requests from customers if they can modify a certain item they have purchased. Some of our products (e.g. clothing) is possible to be modified. For the body hair items we have chosen not to be able to be modified, mainly because we wanted the same experience for the same product across all of our customers.

However, if you definitely need a slight of any of the body hair layers, this could be done upon request for a small fee as long as the modification is easy to be done and if our time permits.

Showcase - Chest Hair {Ryan}

[vdbv] - {Ryan} - chest hair

The SL International Mr. Leather Contest 2011

We are pleased to announce our sponsoring of the Impulse International Mr. Leather Contest 2011 (IML11). IML is the biggest and oldest event of its kind in Second Life (currently on its 5th year) and is very popular with contestant participation and observers of the event.

The contest will be held on 23th-25th September 2011 on a class 5 private SIM, rented exclusively for the event, so it is as low lag as possible, and the location will be provided right before the contest happens.

For information, news and updates about the contest, please visit the official IML10 page.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

BODY HAiR SHOP, La Perla, FuriZona (158, 98, 31)

Showcase - Arm Hair {Mario}

[vdbv] - {Mario} - arm hair