The TAC Charity Event (update)

A while ago we announced our participation and sponsoring of the TAC (Treatment Action Campaign) Charity event. Today we are happy to announce that the event will culminate with a Runway Fashion Show where [vdbv.designs] will have a major part, presenting a preview line of the long-awaited color body hair.

At the Second Look and the Finale of the Runway Fashion Show we will present for the first time 12 Body Hair Sets of blond, brown, auburn and red color. Please come by for a sneak preview, the items will not be released until the first half of the next year. It will also be a lot of fun, plus we will raise L$ for a great cause.

Location: Ironworks Club and Warehouse Plaza, Bashkortostan (142, 42, 103)

Date: Sunday 16 December 2007
  • 1st Fashion Runway Show at 3pm SLT
  • 2nd Fashion Runway Show at 6pm SLT

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Galeria Holland, Holland (100, 121, 24)

The TAC Charity Event

We are happy to announce our participation and sponsoring of the TAC (Treatment Action Campaign) Charity event on Sunday 16 December 2007 from 6 to 9 pm SL time. The event will be held in the Ironworks Club at Warehouse Plaza, Bashkortostan (142, 42, 103).

Visitors will purchase tickets for the event, with all proceeds going to the Friends of Treatment Action Campaign (FoTAC). TAC is South Africa's largest grass-roots organisation campaigning for greater access to HIV treatment for all, and for the empowerment of people affected by HIV and AIDS.

More information about our exact type and level of our participation will be announced soon.

Never-ending story. Our products are stolen and resold again

This is getting funny but probably it will get even more frequent as the Second Life user base increases. Another SL resident, ripped off and was selling our products. Not only that, his was selling them with a double price tag than our originals! And to add insult to injury, he has also made a Classified advertisement where he used one of our products on his classified photo!

Hopefully the issue was settled after talking with him. He claimed that he had no idea that ripping off textures is not allowed (!?!) and surprisingly, we believe that he was telling the truth. Not like the other resident who was insisting that he found the original textures through P2P.

Showcase - Leg Hair {Ron}

[vdbv] - {Ron} - leg hair

Our products are stolen and resold –again!

A customer sent us an IM today that he discovered a shop that was selling chest hair that was looking “very similar” to the body hair we sell. Upon teleporting at the shop, we saw that they were not only “very similar” to ours but they are actually exact rip-offs of our body hair textures.

The annoyingly funny thing is that the resident in question, writes in his SL profile that he hates people who steal and resell products and that he will ban everyone doing so! He has also added prim screens in front of his products to purportedly prevent stealing!

We have contacted him and fortunately the issue is resolved without filling out a DMCA claim. The annoying thing is that he was claiming that he didn't know that the textures are ours and copyrighted by us because he found it through P2P sharing. That was most obviously a lie and all the evidence supports that. What evidence? Checking on our transaction logs, we saw that he had purchased from us all of the 15 items he was selling!

PS. Can you guess his nationality? It's not very difficult given that most of the latest content theft incidents originate from those nationals. And before someone screams "racism", we have nothing to do with it. It's just an interesting observation.

Store closing

(image courtesy of Sc Design)

A note from Vakis Oranos, owner of [vdbv.designs]:

I never post about the closing of an outpost store of [vdbv.designs] but this one is special. A few days ago I was notified that the Manhunt Mall is closing its doors on 21 October. The Manhunt is one of the oldest and most successful malls in Second Life specialized in male clothes and accessories.

It is also the mall where I first opened one of my outpost stores, first at the Shoppes at ManHunt then at the Plaza at ManHunt Mall and finally on a brand new SIM at Manhunt Mall.

But I am not posting this just because the Manhunt mall was one of the first where I have opened an outpost store. I'm mainly posting it because during this time I received invaluable help and support from Rhyph Somme, the manager of Manhunt. So much so that I'm now considering him not only as one of the best SL mall managers I worked with but also as a good SL friend.

Even if I am sad to see Manhunt Mall go I fully understand Rhyph's decision and I wish him good luck in his future endeavors.

Vakis Oranos

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Atlas}

[vdbv] - Hair Set {Atlas}

vdbv.designs now accepts the MetaCard™

As of today, we started accepting the MetaCard™, the first virtual credit card. The MetaCard™ is a L$-credit card that you can charge your Second Life purchases to. Buy what you want now and pay for it later. Better still, pay us back in L$ or with your MetaPoints™.

Find about the MetaCard™ on the official site here.

Currently our only store that accepts the MetaCard™ is located at MetaMall (20, 138, 42). Hopefully soon when some technical details are sorted out by the FirstMeta scripters, we will accept the card in all of our locations in-world.

Showcase - Chest Hair {Nikos}

[vdbv] - {Nikos} - chest hair

Launching of the [vdbv.designs] Store Card

Exciting news! We have launched the [vdbv.designs] Store Card. This is not a credit card but a prepaid card that can be used exclusively in our stores.

It is particularly useful for those residents who want to buy a gift of an item that is not transferrable. Just purchase the Store Card and give it to your loved ones to purchase any of our products they like. But is also useful for your own use, since it gives up to 20% discount to all of our items!

Read more information and purchase the [vdbv.designs] Store Card at our locations in-world:

- BODY HAiR SHOP, Sc Design (225, 32, 21)
- BODY HAiR SHOP, Vancouver Island (170, 114, 28)

Store Relocation

Our outpost store at Manhunt Mall has relocated to a new SIM. You can now visit it at:

ManHunt Mall, Tharen South (164, 84, 24)

Second Pride Free t-shirt

The Second Pride 2007 officially kicks off tomorrow 6/24/07 in Second Life and [vdbv.designs] is an official Golden Sponsor.

The parade will start at 5 pm SLT and everyone is welcome to join the celebration. Click here for the official calendar of the events.

Also, feel free to stop by our [vdbv.designs] tent where we are giving away many free items including a couple of Second Pride t-shirts to get you in the mood. You can visit us on the following address:

BODY HAiR SHOP @ Second Pride 2007, Osmium (220, 79, 22)

All products updated with an additional layer

Following the request of our customers, we have updated all the new and old body hair products with an additional clothing layer. We have added a shirt layer for the chest hair items and a pants layer for the leg hair products.

All group members who have purchased chest, leg or body hair sets in the past, they can get the new layers free of charge. Just drop a notecard in-world to Vakis Oranos with the name of the product you’ve purchased to receive the new layers.

[vdbv.designs] in Second Pride 2007

Second Pride 2007, the premiere online LGBT festival, is about to open its virtual gates in Second Life for the fourth consecutive year offering a week long celebration of love, diversity & unity. Undoubtedly one of the largest events of its kind, Second Pride 2007 will be held from June 24 through June 30, 2007.

The festival grounds, now comprised of 6 sims, will feature a variety of attractions throughout the week. The venue will include live musical and theatre acts in the amphitheatre and Unity Square, a museum highlighting the contributions of notable gay and lesbian people throughout history, an amazing dance pavilion featuring live DJs, virtual shopping, information booths, art exhibits, amusement park rides, and much more. Central to this year's event will be a memorial quilt display created by members of the Second Life community to honor those who have passed from AIDS.

In addition to being a celebration of and for the LGBT community, Second Pride is also a significant philanthropic enterprise. Proceeds from this year's fundraising activities will be donated to the Nyaka School for Children Orphaned Due to AIDS in Uganda. Donations are being made through Global Giving- a charitable organization that provides support to humanitarian efforts all over the world.

[vdbv.designs] proudly participates and donates on this event as a Gloden Sponsor.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Gay World, Isle of Wonders (179, 67, 22)

Translators needed

This is a one time employment opportunity with possibility for future jobs, for residents who can translate from English to one of the following languages:

(Brazilian) Portuguese

Contact us via e-mail (on our contact page) or send an IM in world to Vakis Oranos for more details and if possible state your rate per word or per page. Thank you.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

The Shops @ Warehouse Plaza, Tatarstan (253, 73, 101)

Attention! Our products are stolen and resold

It was a matter of time to happen to vdbv.designs as well. Probably, this is the price you have to pay for being the first to have a new and innovative product in Second Life. Keep in mind that the previous phrase is not egoistical at all. We don't say we are the best, we just state the fact that we were the first and still the only SL merchants that sell body hair products.

Anyway, in brief, we discovered that a resident had illegally ripped off and was reselling almost half of our products (actually all the best selling ones). It's really sad but unfortunately it happens.

What makes the current incident unprecedented in our view, is that he was also selling stolen skins and clothing textures of many well known SL designers. And on a funny note regarding our own products, he was even reselling them at a higher price that the one we sell!

You can read more of the issue at the SL official forums here.

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Dionysus}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

The Plaza at ManHunt Mall, Phyllira (58, 29, 119)

Showcase - Chest Hair {Michael}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

ICE Mall, Incubus Islands (196, 232, 351)

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Destiny Gentlemen Shops, Laidly Worm (38, 92, 32)

Showcase - Chest Hair {Conor}

Join the vdbv.designs group

As our business and customer base are getting bigger, we decided to create an update group. Group members will get updates on new and upcoming products and at times they will receive free items and/or discounts. In addition, updates on the items will be offered to customers at a beneficial price or even for free.

You can join our Group in-world by clicking on Search > Groups Tab and search for vdbv.designs. Alternatively, you can send an Instant Message in-world to Vakis Oranos for a group invite.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Impulse Mall, Impulse (21, 125, 23)

Showcase - Arm Hair {Hugh}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Sc Design Plaza, Plush Micron (191, 227, 22)

Showcase - Leg Hair {Luke}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Lofts and Alley Shops, Vancouver Island (165, 132, 27)

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Morpheus}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Hades Leather Bar, Pogon (163, 103, 596)

Showcase - Leg Hair {Will}

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

Diamond Heaven Shops, Troy (204, 188, 44)

Flagship Store under construction

Exciting news! We have recently purchased a land parcel for the Flagship Store of [vdbv.designs].

The building is currently under construction that hopefully won't take long. We will keep you posted about the Opening date and the address of the SIM.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

The Shoppes at ManHunt, Phyllira (68, 69, 119)