Showcase - Leg Hair {Ron}

[vdbv] - {Ron} - leg hair

Our products are stolen and resold –again!

A customer sent us an IM today that he discovered a shop that was selling chest hair that was looking “very similar” to the body hair we sell. Upon teleporting at the shop, we saw that they were not only “very similar” to ours but they are actually exact rip-offs of our body hair textures.

The annoyingly funny thing is that the resident in question, writes in his SL profile that he hates people who steal and resell products and that he will ban everyone doing so! He has also added prim screens in front of his products to purportedly prevent stealing!

We have contacted him and fortunately the issue is resolved without filling out a DMCA claim. The annoying thing is that he was claiming that he didn't know that the textures are ours and copyrighted by us because he found it through P2P sharing. That was most obviously a lie and all the evidence supports that. What evidence? Checking on our transaction logs, we saw that he had purchased from us all of the 15 items he was selling!

PS. Can you guess his nationality? It's not very difficult given that most of the latest content theft incidents originate from those nationals. And before someone screams "racism", we have nothing to do with it. It's just an interesting observation.

Store closing

(image courtesy of Sc Design)

A note from Vakis Oranos, owner of [vdbv.designs]:

I never post about the closing of an outpost store of [vdbv.designs] but this one is special. A few days ago I was notified that the Manhunt Mall is closing its doors on 21 October. The Manhunt is one of the oldest and most successful malls in Second Life specialized in male clothes and accessories.

It is also the mall where I first opened one of my outpost stores, first at the Shoppes at ManHunt then at the Plaza at ManHunt Mall and finally on a brand new SIM at Manhunt Mall.

But I am not posting this just because the Manhunt mall was one of the first where I have opened an outpost store. I'm mainly posting it because during this time I received invaluable help and support from Rhyph Somme, the manager of Manhunt. So much so that I'm now considering him not only as one of the best SL mall managers I worked with but also as a good SL friend.

Even if I am sad to see Manhunt Mall go I fully understand Rhyph's decision and I wish him good luck in his future endeavors.

Vakis Oranos