The TAC Charity Event

We are happy to announce our participation and sponsoring of the TAC (Treatment Action Campaign) Charity event on Sunday 16 December 2007 from 6 to 9 pm SL time. The event will be held in the Ironworks Club at Warehouse Plaza, Bashkortostan (142, 42, 103).

Visitors will purchase tickets for the event, with all proceeds going to the Friends of Treatment Action Campaign (FoTAC). TAC is South Africa's largest grass-roots organisation campaigning for greater access to HIV treatment for all, and for the empowerment of people affected by HIV and AIDS.

More information about our exact type and level of our participation will be announced soon.

Never-ending story. Our products are stolen and resold again

This is getting funny but probably it will get even more frequent as the Second Life user base increases. Another SL resident, ripped off and was selling our products. Not only that, his was selling them with a double price tag than our originals! And to add insult to injury, he has also made a Classified advertisement where he used one of our products on his classified photo!

Hopefully the issue was settled after talking with him. He claimed that he had no idea that ripping off textures is not allowed (!?!) and surprisingly, we believe that he was telling the truth. Not like the other resident who was insisting that he found the original textures through P2P.