Overhaul of our store displays

[vdbv] - Hair Set {Aeolus}

We have completely updated all our displays with brand new photos. We think that they are far better than the old ones while they provide more concise information.

For the photos, our models are wearing skins from Naughty and the Abyss, hair from Naughty while all the shapes are provided by Hyperion Studio, one of the best shape stores in Second Life.


- Hyperion Studio
- Naughty Designs
- The Abyss

Collaboration with Hyperion Studio

We are happy to announce that we have started using for all of our models on our store displays, male shapes provided by Hyperion Studio.

Hyperion Studio specializes on high quality male and female shapes at affordable prices. You can visit their Main Store on the following address:

Hyperion Studio, Isle of Tharen (25, 130, 33)

Store Relocation

The BODY HAiR SHOP at ICE Mall has been relocated. You can now visit it at the following address:

ICE - Mens Lifestyle Mall, Incubus Mainland (128, 159, 22)