As many of the Second Life residents know already, Linden Lab (LL) has recently
announced the release of their brand new Second Life Viewer 2 (SLv2), which according to LL will offer "an improved new resident experience". However for the old residents, the SLv2 is a vast depart from the Second Live viewer v1.xx, with many pros and cons which are already debated in various blogs and fora. It offers a completely redesigned UI, many changes to familiar features and completely new features not available in SLv1.
Regarding the BODY HAiR SHOP products, one new feature of SLv2, is the highly welcome and particularly important for the body hair items. The long overdue implementation of the "tattoo" layer. In SLv2 is now possible to add a texture layer (tattoo, body hair, makeup etc) on top of the avatar skin. The main advantage of this is that there is no longer a need to use the clothing layers for body art which makes things easier and more versatile for the designers and the residents. Another big advantage is that we can keep the valuable clothing layers available for what they were meant to be used for, clothes!
We are really excited about this new and long awaited feature and currently we are testing it in order to implement it in the most appropriate way to the current and future BODY HAiR SHOP products. Watch out this space or
become a member of the vdbv.designs in-world, to get updates on new and upcoming products implementing the tattoo layer.