5 Years of BODY HAiR SHOP - 50% discount

It was exactly 5 years ago, on 7th of December 2006, when [vdbv.designs] opened the first store, the BODY HAiR SHOP, in a very small booth at Keswick Mall. Very soon its success was phenomenal and during those years we have opened more than 100 outpost stores in various locations around Second Life, sold thousands of products to thousands satisfied and loyal customers.

To show you our appreciation for being with us during that extraordinary adventure and to celebrate our 5th anniversary in Second Life, we are offering a 50% discount for all of our products available at the BODY HAiR SHOP at Vancouver Island Mall, between December 7th and December 11th 2011. We have chosen our store at the Vancouver Island Mall to offer this exclusive 50% discount because it was one of our first outpost stores, opened back in the early 2007.

And while you are there you can also grab our special designs of of free chest and free leg hair. Use the link below to teleport directly on the store.

BODY HAiR SHOP, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island (170, 114, 28)

Thank you for the amazing 5 years,

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Nereus}

[vdbv] - Hair Set {Nereus}

Custom designs and modifiable items

Very often we are receiving requests for custom designs. Our policy on custom work is stated here and it hasn't been changed.

Also quite frequently we are getting requests from customers if they can modify a certain item they have purchased. Some of our products (e.g. clothing) is possible to be modified. For the body hair items we have chosen not to be able to be modified, mainly because we wanted the same experience for the same product across all of our customers.

However, if you definitely need a slight of any of the body hair layers, this could be done upon request for a small fee as long as the modification is easy to be done and if our time permits.

Showcase - Chest Hair {Ryan}

[vdbv] - {Ryan} - chest hair

The SL International Mr. Leather Contest 2011

We are pleased to announce our sponsoring of the Impulse International Mr. Leather Contest 2011 (IML11). IML is the biggest and oldest event of its kind in Second Life (currently on its 5th year) and is very popular with contestant participation and observers of the event.

The contest will be held on 23th-25th September 2011 on a class 5 private SIM, rented exclusively for the event, so it is as low lag as possible, and the location will be provided right before the contest happens.

For information, news and updates about the contest, please visit the official IML10 page.

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

BODY HAiR SHOP, La Perla, FuriZona (158, 98, 31)

Showcase - Arm Hair {Mario}

[vdbv] - {Mario} - arm hair

Store relocation

Our outpost store at Impulse Island has been relocated after the complete redesign of the Mall. You can visit it now at the following address:

BODY HAiR SHOP, Impulse Island Mall, Impulse Island (220, 41, 24)

Showcase - Body Hair Set {Zeus}

[vdbv] - Hair Set {Zeus}

Products returns and refunds

In very rare cases we receive requests from some customers (usually new Second Life residents) about the possibility to return a product or get a refund for an item they didn't like. Before stating our policy on returns and refunds, here is a brief introduction on how Second Life handles the permissions on objects created in-world.

Second Life system tracks three basic permissions - modify, copy and transfer. By applying different permission sets the creators can control how items in Second Life are used and distributed.

The "modify" permission is self explanatory. It controls whether someone can change the item that someone else created. Some of our products (e.g., clothing items) can be modified and some other (e.g., body hair) cannot be modified. For the body hair items we have chosen not to be able to be modified, mainly because we wanted the same experience for the same product across all of our customers.

The "copy" permission applies to whether someone can make copies of creator's work. If it is enabled, the customers can make as many copies as they want of the purchased original item.

The "transfer" permission (also known as "Resell/Give Away) applies to whether the owner of the item can transfer it someone else. If transfer is enabled, the owner can transfer the item to another person. If an item is not transferable, the owner cannot sell, give away, release the item.

Detailed information on how Second Life permission system works can be found here and here.

Regarding [vdbv.designs], most of our products are copyable and not transferable. None of the products have those two permissions enabled or disabled at the same time.

Our return and refund policy is based on the above SL permissions as follows:
  • Since most of our products are not transferable to another avatar it is not possible to be transfered neither to us. This means that, it is not technically possible within Second Life to return a purchased product.

  • Since it is not technically possible to return a product to us, refunds in L$ cannot be made.

  • The only exception on the above is when you have purchased the same product for the second time, either because you forgot you that you had already purchased it or because the product was not successfully delivered to you on the first time. In that case and if you were double charged for the same product, we will fully refund the second product you have purchased. Please contact us and we will fully refund immediately after we confirm the double charging.
If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

First store closed

A note from Vakis Oranos, owner of [vdbv.designs]:

I rarely write announcements about the closing of our outpost stores but this one is very special. Yesterday I received on my mail this automated Second life instant message:

"You have received a message from Second Life: Your 30 objects have been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Governor Linden near parcel 'POD SHOP Keswick Mall - Vendor spaces available' at Keswick 222, 17 due to parcel auto return."

The Keswick Mall was the first mall where I have opened the very first store of [vdbv.designs], the BODY HAiR SHOP back in December of 2006. I opened that store while I was only three months on in Second Life. I was very hesitant to become a SL merchant mainly because I didn't want to dedicate my limited free time to manage an SL business. After all, Second Life for me was mainly for fun and socializing.

However, after the continuous requests of friends and residents who were amazed by the body hair designs and wanted to buy them, I decided to finally open a store to start selling the items. So I "invested" $10 to buy some Linden dollars to I open up my first store at Keswick Mall and the rest is history.

The "store" at Keswick was actually a very small booth that only allowed 30 prims. The owner of the mall was Paul Lobo, a very successful SL animator and owner of en:joy animations. He was also my very first customer. He was amazed by the high quality of the body hair designs and immediately purchased 4 products.

Soon after, I was overwhelmed by the success of the store. The sales of the first month were phenomenal without any promotion, just word of mouth. Just two months after opening my first store, I had more than 20 outpost stores in Second Life grid. Even though I had closed many of those stores, I was always keeping my very first store at Keswick mall, mainly for historical and sentimental reasons.

Unfortunately Paul Lobo left Second Life some time ago and Governor Linden has reclaimed the land where my first store has been opened. I am sad to see one old piece of my personal SL history go but (Second) life goes on.

Vakis Oranos
Owner of [vdbv.designs]

Showcase - Chest Hair {Chris}

[vdbv] - {Chris} - chest hair

Apez vendor system discontinued

We are announcing that on 5 November we will discontinue offering our products through the Apez vendors system. This is not our decision but a step we have to take since the owner of Apez has suddenly announced that Apez.Vend is closing its doors soon, due to the liquidation of the company.

We are currently testing alternative networked vendors and as soon as we setup the new system there will be an announcement here and on our update group in-world. In the meantime you can always purchase our products with any of the following methods:

Store closing

A note from Vakis Oranos, owner of [vdbv.designs]:

I rarely, if ever, make an announcement about the closing of an outpost store of [vdbv.designs] but this is a special case. Two days ago I was notified that the Age of Iron, is closing its doors on February 10. The Age of Iron one of the oldest and most successful male destinations in Second Life, specialized in male clothes, accessories and entertainment.

It is also the mall where I first opened one of my outpost stores back in early spring 2007, first at the Warehouse Plaza at the mainland SIMs called Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, then at its own Warehouse Plaza SIM and finally at the Age of Iron Warehouse.

During those 4 years I received such a great help and support from the owners and managers of the Age of Iron, Marcus Steeplechase and Meatjockey Lederberg, that I'm now considering them not only as two of the best mall managers I worked with in SL but also as good SL friends.

Even if I am disappointed to see the Age of Iron closing its doors go I fully understand the decision of Marcus and MJ and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

Vakis Oranos

Showcase - Leg Hair {Mathias}

[vdbv] - {Mathias} - leg hair

New Store

A new outpost store of the BODY HAiR SHOP has been opened. You can visit it at the following address:

BODY HAiR SHOP, Leather & Co, Hamilton (142, 71, 508)