Undelivered products from SL Marketplace

Lately we are getting some reports that customers who purchase our products from the Second Life Marketplace do not receive them in-world. While the delivery fails, the system also fails to automatically give them a refund.

Even if we are not responsible for undelivered items (the creator of Second Life Marketplace, Linden Lab is) please contact us in-world by sending an IM or a notecard and we will send you the undelivered item as soon as possible.

Here are some useful tips when purchasing items from SL Marketplace:
  • Please make sure that you don’t set your status to “busy” while you are in-word when purchasing items from the Marketplace.

  • If your product is not delivered the first time you purchased it and you didn’t get an automatic refund, please do not try to purchase the same product for the second time because there is a chance that the delivery will fail again and you will be double charged for the second item.

  • Regardless of our policy on undelivered products we suggest that you file a support ticket with Linden Lab, especially when you are double charged for the same product, since it is not possible to refund items with no-trasfer permission.

Thank you and our sincere apologies for any inconvenience which, again, is Linden Lab's and not our responsibility.